Three weeks ago we published a note about the Multiverse and God, which was the outcome of our discussion with Aristotle Singh De Bruyne, an up and rising philosopher-meta physicist. That conversation ignited our imagination so much that we could not help but to engage him for more exchanges, except this time we had to satisfy ourselves with using Hooloom, a marvelous technology of the future, which uses hologram technology over quantum communication platforms to make the person appear nearly in flesh at a location.
Anyways, Aristotle told us that since our encounter, and after he submitted an article on Intelligent Design to a peer-reviewed publication, he directed his attention to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its relationship to Gödel’s theorem and Heuristic approach to problem solving.
«Wow! Such big words and concepts!» you may say. But in reality, not really. Once you get over-and exclude-the heavy and abstract mathematics and logic that will not be necessary for everyone, you realize that AI is nothing but an attempt at dosing and improving Gödel’s theorem with a zest of Heuristic approach.
Now before you go into accusations of esoteric mumbo-jumbo, let us get the two concepts of Gödel’s theorem and Heuristic approach down to Earth:
- Gödel’s theorem (of incompleteness) in a broad sense, proves that no deterministic system (such as mathematics, logic, algorithm, ....) can be complete, in the sense that it can provide/prove all the truth that exists in that system. In any of these systems, there will always be situations/truths that can never be proven within the very same system.
- Heuristic approach (to problem solving), on the other hand, is an approach that employs practical methods-very little theory and proof-that are not guaranteed to be optimal or perfect solutions, but they work, be it on a limited scope or limited time basis.
AI, in this context, is a combination of these two approaches: on the one hand, it follows protocols and algorithms, which according to Gödel, will never be complete, and on the other hand, it supplement it with a pragmatic-call it ‘human flare’-Heuristic approach to overcome some of the rigidity of the system that creates the incompleteness. And AI’s heuristic approach is based on data; large amounts of it, and eventually some kind of technico-logical approach, such as Generative AI, Large Language Model (LLM), or a multitude of other fashionable names.
When we reached this stage of transcendence, we realized that our very own Dual Cosmic Singularity (DCS) is a powerful synthesis of systematic/systemic methodology , captured by our Big Bang singularity, with the heuristic approach emanating from the natural diversity, captured by our Life singularity.
The very moral of this note is that while the universe, as described by Astrophysics and cosmology (axiomatic, deterministic), is an amazing environment, it is life that gives it that «je ne sais pas quoi!» allure. In other words, universe without life would be impressive from the physical science ‘grandeur’ point of view, but ultimately a boring, incomplete deterministic existence.
The question, whose answer we are still seeking, however, is: «are we alone?» [in this universe]
February 2, 2024, Cambridge,
Berta Seintan, PhD & Charlene Wardin, PhD